Respect to @xfitgirlwa for training on her day off! She has just begun her journey in #lawenforcement which is quite a contrast from her previous career as a certified public accountant. The VNR (aka RNC, or 裸絞) is a very effective technique when dealing with a combative/assaultive person, so we worked on some transitions to encircling the neck, then transition to handcuffing and she did awesome. #jiujitsu and #judo practitioners are often surprised to find out that in law enforcement, many departments place this technique at the same level of force as using a firearm. The bilateral compression of the carotid arteries allows a smaller person or officer like Carri a chance to survive a violent encounter against someone who is much bigger and stronger. What do you think? ????⚫️?⚫️ #Bellevue #police #selfdefense #graciesurvivaltactics #tecnica #alavanca #fitness #oahugrown #aiea #trainweeklyorfightweakly #protectbellevuedotcom