Reader Interactions


  1. Hey John, I will call you in this one regarding tactical reload vs emergency reload. He was correct in doing a tactical reload because of: There was a lull in the fight, he had suppressive fire if needed from his partner, he did good alerting his partner that he was going to do a tactical reload, so his partner was aware of the procedure and provide suppressive fire if needed. He had distance from the threat. Granted, the way he did the tactical reload was horrible, he could do it way, and I mean way better than the way he did it. also, you never want to drop a magazine with bullets still in it if you can retain that mag. The chances to need a third, depleted mag are slim, almost non-existent, but for consistency sake, you want to retain a partially loaded or fully mag with you…You never know. Next time, he could lose his life due to running empty and not having more bullets because he dropped a partially depleted mag, and that was the mag that could make the difference between winning or losing the fight.