Tom Segura is a stand-up comedian, and hosts his own podcast with his wife, Christina P called “Your Mom’s House.” Sean Anders is a writer and director, and his new movie “Instant Family” premieres November 16 in theaters.
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Sean Cali says
I love sex drive
Christian Richardson says
joes heavy sighs are the funniest things ever
Christopher Thompson says
In regards to not allowing cellphone into your show. The owners of whatever Comedy Club you're doing a show at they should buy the electronic transmitters that disable cell phone reception in a particular area up to 30 to 90 in diameter.
Gerald Farr says
Bart Chrysler — Fat, Racist, and Greedy
Donald Dortona says
What’s up ms tasty what’s up what’s up
Is anyone else surprised at how certain they now are that they’re going to go see this movie, purely because Tom has some scenes?
Tyler Gordon says
When Sexdrive came out I was 12 and it was the funniest movie I had ever seen. Under rated film right der
Luke139 says
Joe "preposterous" Rogan
Anthony Sprouse says
I haven’t see sex drive in so long
Max Ellis says
I would be hated if I was famous. If a TMZ-esqu "reporter" rolled up on me, I would have a real tough time not slamming their camera into the ground. I run hot, and that kinda rude nonsense sends me over the edge.
Gus Edgar. says
Poor J.R, his comments section has the highest degree of cynicism in the Western world….
What a fuckin' bunch – but I love to read it….!!
Big toe little finger says
snooze fest
que hacer says
I'm from Argentina, just want to add some 4 ya.
'Coger' is only used in Spain, here in Argentina, and actually in most of the continent we use 'Agarrar'.
'Coger' gained a sexual connotation in the Spanish lands of Andalucia, where people started using it to describe all kinds of farm animals fucking, it was just a vulgar thing they did, and because of all the cattle raising that went on here in South America, well… Words travel
Brian G77 says
Bart is racist good morning juliar goin full trottle
JohntheCountryBoy says
Sexdrive was the shit
Billy Beane says
I guess I'm one of the few but I saw Sex Drive and it was hilarious..
Logan Nelson says
Someone should create a group or organization that issues "journalistic integrity" check marks ie. Twitter check that is attached to your social media posts. It could break down your articles into an overall rating comprised of bias, honesty, etc… It could also be something like a little logo with a number rating so its easy to see if you should even invest your time at all…
Robbie Wilson says
You need to have Chris tango paranto on to talk about Benghazi.
Alec Gutierrez says
Sex drive is a classic and its one of my brother and I's favorite movie
everything about it was hilarious ahaha
daryl Lee says
Finally my main mommy eps is up
Timothy M says
Sex Drive was a great flic.
Light In Every Shadow says
Joe "Grak Obsta Naka Gruta" Rogan