Some of the best takeaways from @renergracie’s seminars aren’t techniques. As a 43 year old practitioner, this mindset already resonates with me. I asked, and Rener was nice enough to let me share this clip from his seminar last year at @nak2academy with you all.
On Saturday, September 22nd Rener and @ryrongracie will be teaching two seminars together at the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission (police academy gym) in Burien! Super rare that they teach together nowadays with their busy schedules. There will be 3500+ sq feet of mat space and lots of parking. Last time there were more than 100 practitioners from all over the ?, so go to to see if there are any spots left. Should be another awesome time on the mats ??⚫️?⚫️? #bellevue #police #selfdefense #heliogracie #jiujitsu #trainsmart #outreach #aloha #victory #oldman #trainweeklyorfightweakly #protectbellevuedotcom