Reader Interactions


  1. Oh shit! Riverside? That's just a county away from me. Riverside's got some great weed lol never rob a dispensary, dude, they're all packing heat in there. Don't think because it's CA that everyone's got a stick to swing

  2. If we legalized all drugs people wouldn't do this. If cocaine was legal cartels wouldn't exist. Lots of non violent men would be able to contribute their families instead of being in prison costing tax money. Its a medical issue. I'm a drinker I know about addiction. Prohibition created more problems than solutions. If a crack habit didn't cost 500 a day the crack head wouldn't rob an old lady's house and the dealers would have to get real jobs

  3. Really appreciate the way you break down everything. People with fire arms need to be educated on how to operate with them day to day. I've been working as an armed gaurd for recreational and medical marijuana dispensaries in southern California for about 5 years and cannot stress enough how crucial everything you talk about in these videos are. Security officers get shot all the time in this industry and a lot of the time we are solo on post which does not help when getting bum rushed by multiple assailants who have more fire power than you do ( which is often the case in my line of work ). Training your body for that muscle memory and your brain for that discretion, decision making and verbal judo are the most important things when defending self and others and you do an awesome job of breaking down how to do so in all of these situations. Thanks to verbal judo and situational awareness no have been able to avoid going hands on or using lethal force for the past 5 years…maybe alittle luck as well, but if I can go my whole security career without having to draw my fire arm it will be a win for me. Keep up the good work and I'll keep sharing your videos with my fellow officers in hopes to save lives….thanks man

  4. God damn every single one of you mother fuckers that follow this channel are the most pathetic sniveling insufferable cunts, the content on this channel is good but the people that follow this channel sounds like most of you are on the edge of being the next squirrel hill guy, wouldnt be surprised if hes subbed here

  5. I love it. Only in California would they make a video and show it of several federal felonies. Everyone but the first guard has a firearm. The last security guard could have even qualified for the federal death penalty if he had shot the guy. You cannot claim a qualified immunity when you are breaking the law in the first place. Being armed while trafficking. Then he shoots the guy. That is capital murder. I think he damn near qualified for a RICO just from the video.

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