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To earn the rank of Red Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a life long journey. Being red belts in the martial art, the highest achievable rank. In order to be a red belt in the “Jiu Jitsu you will require to have been a black belt for at least 48 years.
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aren't rickson and jean jacques red belts too?
I may be wrong but isnt Joe Moreira a red belt?
Where's Chuck Norris, come on!! lol
do jiu jitsu and you'll live a long and healthy life just like them
Those gracis man they go hard and live long
Do u know the name of this song?
and my coach….grandmaster Francisco mansor….soon to be my boy Joe Moreira…..
What about Renato Laranja???
I thought the red belt only went to 9th degree???
That blood line is amazing and they live forever!
Big thanks to master maeda for teaching the true jujitsu to Brazil and the world , his dedication is appropriated by the world and hopefully the graci family
And they could probably all be tapped by some blue belts
Wow they didn't even mention the legendary Dug funny pshh
So basically… The Gracies and Friends
Wow both Carlos an Helio lived to the exact ripe age of 95! That’s something special right there, and also shows me how healthy the lifestyle of true dedication to BJJ is.
10th degree red belts are reserved for the founders of BJJ only, literally no one else can ever become a 10th degree red belt in jiu-jitsu.
Paulo Strauch?
Helio was born 1913, he didn't open his first school at 1925. He would have been 12 years old by then.
"Carlos started training at 15 years old under Misuyio Maeda, a Jiu Jitsu / Judo representative sent to Brazil by Japan to bring Jiu Jitsu to the world."
Nope, Misuyio Maeda was a Judoka. His style was Judo, which at that time was known as Kano Jiu-Jitsu. He was sent to Brazil as the head of the Japanese troupe.
How to defeat a red belt. Punch them in the face they become black belts, punch them even more they become white belts. Keep punching them till they could not tap out .
Are there any girls in the Gracie family? Besides their wives?
Wtf just gracies have it or what
Red belt to living in Brazil , Júlio Frederico Secco
sakuraba made a joke of the gracie myth. matt hughes made a joke of the gracie myth. a 16 year old freestyle wrestler can make a joke of a bjj master.
Can we have the name of the song? So good!
Jiu jitsu is great for real 1v1 fights WITH CLOTHES. so is Judo, mixing judo with BJJ and boxing//muay thay is really effective
make no mistake to grapple he must first take me down. my fist is too hardit crushes whereever it lands. and u must move to me. you will be interciptid.
Well done
I did not see Francisco Mansurs name mentioned amougst the Red Belts…I was under the impression he also is a red belt, am I misimformed?
So, what's after red belt?
Shigeru yamasaki
Forgot Rickson and Jean Jacques
My bad, JJM has a Coral Belt, still my alltime favorite.
What about Amelio Arruda?
You earn a red belt cause you're really old, not by merit or victory's. This seems like just a business to me.
I have been doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) for 6 years (since I was five so I know how hard it is to get to an exceptional level like that! BTW I am a solid yellow belt for anyone who cares
there are many others non gracies red belts in brazil
1000th like
Hello just a question: is it possible to start BJJ at the age of 35 years old?
You left out Rickson
It doesn't say properly but Carlson Gracie Academy LITERALLY created MMA in Brazil, outside of Chute Boxe every other academy here is a desmembrantion of Carlson Gracie Academy, Nova Uniao, BTT, ATT, Team Nogueira, etc.
Cadê o Oswaldo alves
I never even heard of a Red belt until I seen the title of this video.
Wow, amazing to see they have lived until 80s and even 90s years old. GBU Gracie family !
Marcio Simas of Gracie Barra in Orlando is also a red belt.
Carlos was also the father of Rilion Gracie.
"he was the author of a "bok" " one spelling mistake but good video.
If you are good dancing you may I have a chance at beating a martial artist