It has been awhile! It’s good to be back. I’ve been slammed this past month. Enough about me let’s talk about this technique!
Being on someone’s back was easily my weakest position up until 3 years ago. A fresh blue belt could escape my back control. I just never really worked to take the back. I always liked mount and side control and tried to finish there.
I realized how bad I sucked at the position one day when my coach had us start on the back the entire class because everyone is switching to ebi rules. Everyone was escaping my control easily. I realized wow I’m terrible at this I really need to work on it. Not gonna lie I was pretty hard on myself. I spent the entire car ride home listening to I wanna get better.
After realizing this I started making it a goal to take everyone’s back and keep it. I studied how people were escaping and drilled in my head ways that I could prevent them from escaping. I started using these three things and I was able to stop most people from escaping my control. Listing to eye of the tiger helped me tremendously.
After that I realized man I’m pretty good at holding the back but now I can’t finish anyone… and that’s a technique for another day. Enjoy the video and I will talk to you next time!
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