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16 Year Old Wants his 1st MMA Fight (Mom Won’t Let Him)

16 Year Old Wants his 1st MMA Fight (Mom Won’t Let Him)

What’s up guys,

today we’ve got a question from a 16-year-old boy who wants to do his first MMA fight.

He’s been training kickboxing for about 10 years and recently started BJJ.

The young man says he needs to prove something to himself, so he wants to try a Mixed Martial Arts fight out.

He passes this idea by his mom and she is not too keen on the idea. She does not want him to fight and this clearly does not make the young man happy.

He sends a message asking what he can do to convince his mother to allow it.

Honestly, there’s probably nothing you’re going to do to convince a mother to allow you to fight. It’s natural. Even my own mother hated watching my MMA fights, let alone my Wrestling or Jiu-Jitsu matches.

Now, what I would say is this:

It’s not the time for you to fight yet. There are pros and cons to doing it, but there will always be time to do it. Take that time. Develop your skills, get older/stronger, get more competition experience in Kick Boxing and Jiu-Jitsu, etc.

I’ll dive deeper into why you should take your time a bit more in the video above and give you a couple ideas to chew on.

Hopefully, you found this video helpful.

Thanks for watching!

– Chewy
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